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“BHP wanted to impose conditions from a different industry on coal miners in Queensland and NSW – and at the same time undercut its permanent workforce. The pay and conditions of the Operation Services agreements were far below the pay and conditions that exist for permanent coal miners on BHP’s sites that have been negotiated over decades. The BHP Christmas Party that went horribly wrong We are extremely pleased that Fair Work has accepted our arguments and found that these agreements are not legally valid. They should apologise to their Operations Services employees for this sneaky manoeuvre and immediately begin genuine bargaining for new agreements that reflect coal mining industry standards.” “BHP is hardly a newcomer to the industry. In 2018 BHP created two shelf companies to use as labour hire companies to provide labour to BHP run mines. In October 2018 they made some EAs with a nominal iron ore workforce in the Pilbara who had no familiarity with black coal mining conditions in the eastern states. The agreements undercut directly employed BHP coal miners by as much as $50,000, cut out crucial entitlements like accident pay and allow workers to be transferred to any of the company’s mines anywhere in the country. There are now over 2000 Operations Services workers deployed at BHP coal mines, mostly in Queensland. Due to the ongoing legal challenge over the two Enterprise Agreements, BHP has moved its Operations Services’ workforce on to contracts reflecting the same pay and conditions. The CFMEU has urged BHP to employ its OS workforce under existing site agreements, which BHP has rejected. The CFMEU is now calling for BHP to engage in genuine bargaining to give Operations Services workers a say over the terms and conditions of their employment, the same as the rest of its coal workforce. “Our message to Operations Services workers is that by standing together, workers can take on big companies like BHP and win,” said Mr Maher. “The Union stands with you and we will be fighting for a fairer deal that gives you the pay and conditions you deserve.” BHP says the decision does not impact the number of roles, the security, or the terms and conditions of Operations Services In a statement today Vice President Operations Services, Mark Swinnerton said that the organisation was considering any implications.

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“We have received nearly 84,000 applications for Operations Services roles since we began in April 2018 – this is a clear endorsement of how attractive the offering is to people right across Australia.

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